Teach Yourself Hausa. Teach Yourself Hausa.
28/03/2025   06:36:54    


Table Of Contents

Hausa Alphabet learn all the alphabet Counting of Numbers Hausa numbers counting Different Type Of Greetings Ways to greet in hausa Asking about Members of the Family About family members Reception How is the party? Farewell Good bye Making Inquiry And Request with why? what? which? who? where? how? In The Dining funiture room dining table Different Nouns: To animals, farm, body, house, school & relations. Pronouns Personal and Possessive personal pronouns & possessive! Days Months Years Months of the year, years, Days of the week Hausa Verbs Nothing but verb Telling Of Time what time is it? Simple Sentences and Market Situation market conversations Hausa Proverbs and Sayings Proverbs Fassara - Translation In Hausa has translations. Hausa Food Abincin hausawa means food in hausa. Restaurant Situation (Katin)(Gurin abincin)(Gurin sarda abincin) Restaurant in hausa. Garuruwa Hausa Bakwai - Seven Legitimate Hausa States The main seven legitimate hausa states. Banza Bakwai - Seven illegitimate Hausa States The main seven illegitimate hausa states. Translation of Words - Fasssarar Kalmomi Translation of words in hausa. Hausa Vowels & Consonnants (Bakake da Wasullan Hausa) Vowels and Consonnants in hausa. Names of Animals in Hausa (Suanyen dabbobi) hausa animal names Name of Places in Hausa (Suanyen wurare) hausa place names Names of Things in Hausa (Suanyen abubuwa) hausa things name The Hausa Language dictionary translation. Hausa Language Phrases Teach Yourself Russian About teach yourself series Teach Yourself Guitar Teach yourself to play guitar Yourself Online Learning online Teach Yourself Spanish Learning spanish Teach Yourself Math Learning mathematics Teach Yourself Piano Learn toplay piano About BBC Hausa (www bbc hausa com) hausa bbc.com VOA Hausa (www voa hausa com) rfi hausa sashin dw radio Hausa Music or Hausa Songs nigerian musicians singing Hausa Films jinin jikina magazine Hausa Movies watch hausa movies Radio Nigeria Hausa hausa radio www.BBC Hausa Yadda muke gabatar da shirye-shiryen Sashen Hausa na BBC Not all photos from bbc hausa this will touch your heart if you're a humam being Rariya hausa the making of rariya labarai|labaran Aljazeera Hausa Labarai/Labaran duniya al jazeera Auren Biya Marriage payments - credit or debit cards DW Hausa Deutsche Welle RFI Hausa Radio France International Hausa Location in Nigeria nigeria hausa igbo yoruba Hausa Pronunciation Pronounce hausa Contact Us what do you think? Useful Links other sites Link to Us please help us! Contactless Payment Cards Paying with contactless card Things to do in London TfL transport for london AI Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Future of ai Top Christmas Toys Boys and girls must-have top christmas gifts ideas. Enounce MySpeed Review Speed Up Video to Save Time - Slow down video to learn THE BIGGEST Digital Product Reviews The Good Review, Who is she?

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Last Updated: Friday 19th June 2020 @ 10:05 am

Not All Photos From BBC Hausa

All Photos Not from BBC Hausa

Not all photos from bbc hausa is sure to touch your heart if you are a humam being.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Ba all photos daga bbc hausa lalle zai taba zuciyarka idan kun kasance mai humam kasancewarsa - tuna BA all photos daga bbc hausa. Idan ka zaton ka m, kalle su

If you think you are unhappy, look at them...

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Idan ka yi zaton ku albashi ne low, yadda game da ita?

If you think your salary is low, how about her?

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Idan ka yi zaton ba ka da yawa friends ... Ka yi tunani game da shi.

If you think you don't have many friends... Think about him.
in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
A lokacin da ka ji kamar ba up, tunanin wannan mutum.

When you feel like giving up, think of this man.
in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Idan ka yi zaton ku sha wahala a rayuwa, kuna sha wahala kamar yadda ya aikata?

If you think you suffer in life, do you suffer as much as he does?
in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Idan ka koka game da kai tsarin, yadda game da su?

If you complain about your transport system, how about them?

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Idan jama'a ne m zuwa gare ka, yadda game da ita?

If your society is unfair to you, how about her?

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Shin, kin har yanzu gunaguni?

Are you still complaining?

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
More rayuwa yadda shi ne kuma kamar yadda ya zo.

Enjoy life how it is and as it comes.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Abubuwa su ne mafi muni ga sashe, kuma suka yi yawa mafi alheri a gare mu.

Things are worse for others and are lot better for us.

It's good to be alive and see another day!

Mom! Please Get Up! Why do you sleep so long time?

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Inna! Don Allah Ka Up! Don me kuke barci saboda haka tsawon lokaci?

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Kalla a kusa da ku, kuma ku yi godiya ga dukan cewa kana da a cikin wannan canji rayuwa ...

Observe around you and be thankful for all that you have in this transitory lifetime...

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Kada ka yi zaton yadda may lokacin ake da su a rayuwa, kamar tunanin yadda rayuwa shi ne akwai wani lokacin.

Don't think how may moments are there in life, just think how much life is there is a moment.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Akwai abubuwa da yawa a rayuwarka da za su kama ido amma kawai 'yan zai kama zuciyarka ... Bi wadanda ...

There are many things in your life that will catch your eye but only a few will catch your heart... Pursue those...

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Bari mu koka kasa da kuma bayar da karin!.

Let us complain less and give more!

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Hasken Allah na kewaye da ni.

The Light of God surrounds me.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
A love Allah enfolds ni.

The Love of God enfolds me.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Mai Iko na Allah na tsare ni.

The Power of God protects me.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Wurin Allah tsaro da ni.

The Presence of God watches over me.

in Hausa - not all photos from bbc hausa
Inda har abada ni, Allah ne.

Where ever I am, God is.

Click here to see The making of Rariya Hausa labarai/labaran (news) jaridar (newspaper) jarida (media) aminiya (friend) stories and Aljazeera hausa.

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