Hausa Pronunciation
How to Say Consonants and Vowels
or Pronounce Hausa
How to Pronounce in Hausa
How would you say
Pronounce Hausa?
Do you know that twenty-one written symbols is used to represent the twenty-four Hausa consonants
(three of the consonants,
ts and
'y, are representd by double letters.
The letters
v and
x are not used in Hausa except sometimes in the spelling of
foreign names.
The letter
p is sometimes seen as a non-standard representation of the sound regularly written as
f, which, however, often sounds more English
p than English
The sound represented in English by
qu occurs regularly in Hausa words, but is written
The following chart provides a fairly accurate indication of the sounds of sixteen of these consonants:
| |
b as in big : | babu, babba, baki |
c as in the ch in church : | can, cika, mace |
d as in dog : | don, baduku, dare |
g as in good (never as in gist) : | gudu, gero, dogo |
h as in hat : | huta, haba, raha |
j as in jot : | jawo, kujera, jiki |
k as in king : | kare, kuka, kowa |
l as in like : | lada, lalle, lafiya |
m as in man : | mota, makoyi, dama |
n as in not : | nama, hannu, nisa |
s as in son : | sanyi, sani, Hausa |
sh as in shut : | shiga, sha, tashi |
t as in tin : | tafi, tebur, fito |
w as in win : | wata, wuri, rawa |
y as in yet : | yaro, hanyoyi, yunwa |
z as in zero : | zuwa, zafi, kaza |
Sorry, there is no video to shows you how to say or pronounce Hausa. How would you say hausa pronunciation? ... to say or
pronounce the word hausa.
It would be nice to say "click on the above words" in black to hear the Hausa pronunciation of the "Z" sound,
then, you repeat and say word.
This webpage contains information in the Hausa Alphabet, hausa pronunciation and sound of each letter as well as a list of other lessons.
Hausa Alphabets Pronunciation
Hausa alphabets pronunciation or better to say that Hausa makes use of five short and five long vowels.
However, only five written symbols are used in hausa literature to represent these ten sounds.
It is, therefore, necessary to supplement the accepted writing system in order to enable the student to know which
sound is to be employed in a given word.
Due to the wide dialectal differences in the pronunciation of English vowels, it is very difficult to illustrate
Hausa vowels unambiguously by employing English words. The Hausa Alphabet and Hausa Pronunciation.
Teach yourself hausa website attempts to give you... Who is or Who was Hausa. What does Hausa mean? Proper usage and pronunciation.