Hausa Music (Waka Da Kida Da Yin Su Algaita Duka) (Myuuzik)
Hausa music? Thinking of you listen hausa music or hausa songs? Or perhaps you would like to know or
curious about what does Hausamusic sounds like?
In hausa language, music or songs is call "Waka da kida da yin su algaita duka".
Hausa Songs Hausa Music
Music of the Hausa people, are music of an ethnic group of 35–45 million people of Northern Nigeria, west Africa.
Hausa songs or music, influential of that region, falls into two types reflecting division of Hausa society:-
- Rural folk and,
- Urban court
The urban court comprising music for state ceremony and the most esteemed genre songs composed in praise of
officials/ rulers/ leaders.
Court instruments includes:-
- Kakaki trumpet (A three to four metre long metal trumpet used in Hausa traditional ceremonial music),
- Algaita/ alghaita/ algayta/ or algheita (double reed wind instrument from West Africa,
especially among the Kanuri and hausa peoples),
- Timpani/kettledrum (a musical instruments in a large copper or brass hemispherical drum with a parchment
head that can be tuned by adjusting the tension) and,
- The Ganga and Talking drum - Nigerian Hausa musicians (Mai yin in hausa) performing at the court of
the Amir of Zaria, Northern Nigeria
Rural music includes bowed and plucked lutes such as the goge, kuntigi and garaya as well as the kalanga hourglass drum.
Hausa praise songs appear in rural music too, although subjects are not restricted to leaders, and they may be ridiculed as well as praised.
There are a number of stories connected with the Hausa Music and Hausa people, who today live in the Western African
countries of Northern Nigeria, parts of Ghana, Niger and Togo.
For example, stories that all the Hausas once lived by Lake Chad, but had to move west when the lake shrank.
However, storytelling via oral and musical traditions join kanem-bornu empire by Lake Chad with the Hausas.
In addition, not forgotten a shared Islamic history. The Hausa skill in horse riding is also thought to come from Kanem-Borno.
And finally the hausa music. The musicians of the court of the present Emir of Zazzau in Zaria State, Nigeria say their
instruments came from Bornu.
For example, Hausa music Annabi is a song of praises for our beloved prophet (Peace is upon him)
- Ya Kai Mai Ladabi, Mudurqusa mu Gaida Rasullulah!
Musician is in hausa is called Mai yinshi a ke kira. The best of Hausa music, for instance... Wakokin Asnanic, Nura m Inuwa and Bilio.
Hausa Songs
Some hausa people belonging to the Bori cult... which means... a small group of people that mixed Islam with traditional cult beliefs).
They tend to sing deep northern Hausa traditional praise songs. As the Hausa are mainly Muslim peoples... their praises usually starts
off with Allah and the Prophet Muhammad.
Subsequently, patrons are from among the audience then may literally "shower" money gifts upon the Maka'da - Griot praise
singers and in return get their praises hausa song.
The amount of money depends on the amount of praise, and commonly whole songs are dedicated to patrons who had given largest gift of money.
This tends to be by Emirs, Sheiks, Politicians, Traditional Chiefs (Sarki or Shugaba) or Mu'allams (Mallan).
Hausa Musicians Praise Singing
Hausa music praise singing is one of the oldest genres of Hausa song music in the world and has a long recorded history in parts of Africa
and Asia.
Some hausamusic stories identifies the Hausas as originally desert people, living in the Sahara. The connection goes even further north;
the palace at Daura contains a sword, which people believe, came from the Pharaohs.
Hausa music pictures including Hausa traditional festivals of Dambe (traditional hausa) boxing, Argungu fishing, Durbar and Hawan Sallah.
Most People's Favourite Hausa Songs
Here is a couple of most people's favourite Hausa songs Music/ Radio/
Actress/ Free/ MP3/ Downloand/ Videos for you to check out at google video sharing website
- Sani Danja da Zainab Idris dags Albashi -
This sound track from the hausa movies film Albashi directed by Mr. Abbas Sadiq and produced by Zainab Idris.
At the end of the film you will see and hear this nice hausa song and dance number.
After a reckless marriage separation from his wife Binta, and then reconcile and become friendly again, Umar
(Abbas Sadiq) fears that Binta's (Zainab Idris) friend's brother Sani (Sani Danja) will take her from him.
- Hausa Movie Song - Tuba -
Download, Listen and View free hausa movie song (Tuba) MP3, Video and Lyrics/ HD / 3GP / MP4 / MP3 format.
- Hiyana -
Maryam Usman (Hiyana), the Hausa actress who was the star of the movie "Hiyana", after which she was nicknamed hiyana.
The same lady who caused a controversial in early August 2007 after she and her boy friend had appeared in a sex clip recorded
with a mobile cellphone.
Yes! the same Hiyana went into hiding as a result of the embarrassing exposure. She eventually got married to her sweetheart,
Alhaji Ado Ahmed Dangulla (a Kano state based businessman in Nigeria), as his second wife in November 2012. However,
Ado and Hiyana's marriage life has been quiet and, some people say, full of love.
- Hausa Movie Song [Hiyana One] -
This hiyana one will remind you of Indian film settings - Starring Adam, Zango and Maryam Hiyana. I am African and I love Nigerian
songs especially this one... BRAVO!
- Na Ba Ka Remix - Jeremiah Gyang -
The remix by Jeremiah Gyang. The child star who became a superstart. Playing gently into your heart is a runaway hit on the
A Plateau state born talented Nigerian. This is a nice hausa song for Almighty God, beautiful voice and interesting video and is kool.
Most Nigerian remix aren't that great but this hausa song is nice.
- Hausa Movie Music [Saka] -
A breath taking Nigerian hausa music by Sani Musa Danja and Mansura Isah. Perhaps you could say... a nice hausa islamic music.
- Hausa Movie Music [Tsumaye] -
Poverty, Misery could lead to frustration in life, but struggle and hard work can make one overcome it. Nagudu Investment bounces back with
TSUMAYE - "the long wait". A story of Three Brothers. Born in Poverty. Bread in Misery...but became Confident in life with
their struggle and hard work.
- Wakar Hausa (Sararin Soyyaya) -
Music is Universal. This hausa music may sound like Indian music because it serves one purpose. To give us pleasure, fun and we love it.
It may sounds like Indian arabic music, but it is a real hausa song with hausa actors and actresses.
- Hausa Movie Song [Tagwayen Mata] -
An Abubakar A. S. Makwai movie with music by Adam A. Zango and lyrics by Abubakar Sani. Another Bollywood influence hausa music.
Hausa people have been in contact with the Arabs, Europeans and others. What makes people grow is their ability to learn from others.
and integrate the good learning to their culture.
There is no culture without influences in today's society. Indians have Mongolian, Arab, and European influences too.
- Walijam Hausa Music -
By Waka: Mahmud Nagudu. A viva musica Walijam Hausa - Beautiful music with much more, the melodie, the outfits, the choregraphy,
beauty and the rich culture of Africa. Love it!
- Daran Alkairi or Daren Alkhairi -
An hausa music by Lale Marhaba and Umarni Aminu Saira. This is not a corruption
of hausa culture music.
- Alhaji Musa Dankwairo -
Classical hausa Kirari music... Such greatness and dignity soundtrack. This traditional music are slowly disappearing as a result of
today's Arabic influence.
- Dan Maraya Jos -
Traditional Hausa Song... Inspiring words of wisdom. "A man who built a big house with plenty rooms will will
only sleep in one, so will a poor man who has a little room... you may have many hats but you will only wear one
at a time, so is a man who has only one hat."
Since the beginning of time, a day is coming and is already here, when a man is not judged by the colour of his skin,
but the God he worship or his geographical origin. Please enjoy hausa music!
Any interest in the Rariya Hausa newspaper or
DW Hausa rikicin boko haram?